- Equanimal -
Nature: Brand and Ad graphic Basic info: Products: Tee 汗衣 Media: Clothing 服裝設計, Website 網站 Idea Human and animals are like playing seesaw. We are linked together. If one falls, the other could not survive either. Thus we have to find a balance between the human and the animals. “Equanimal” is founded by a fashion lover who does not only pay attention to the fancy clothing but also the social and environmental issue. She would like to spread her concern of endangered animals through the medium she is familiar with. Besides, she hopes to connect people with the same belief together. 概念 人類和動物的關係就像玩蹺蹺板,是緊扣在一起的。一方墮下,另一方也不能繼續遊戲。因此我們要在當中找一個平衡點,這樣雙方才能並存下去。 Equanimal 是由一名時裝愛好者成立的衣服品牌,目的是透過其最熟悉的媒介,去宣揚保護瀕危絕種動物的信息。 Brief “Equanimal” aims to provide a chance to the customers to express their concerns of the endangered species. The name of “Equanimal” comes from the words equal and animal. Easy and simple, it means all living things in the world are equal and they deserve the same rights to live and survive. The t-shirts of Equanimal gives people a natural and simple feeling but with eye-catching visual. To emphasize the graphics and the natural and neat feeling, the color choices of t-shirts are simply white, light blue and grey. 簡介 Equanimal 讓顧客藉著產品表達自己對瀕危物種的關注。Equanimal 的名字是由「Equal」和 「animal」組成,是指眾生都是平等的,而他們都擁有著相同的生存權利。產品的用色以白色、天藍色和灰色為主,給人一種和諧自然的感覺,但同時亦能突出圖騰的設計。 Acuvue2013 敢觀世界影片比賽
Seal Engraving
By engraving the things i like onto the stones so that i could remember them forever. 1. 今日利行 2. 能事不受相促迫 3. 大王陛下 4.圖象印﹣狐狸 5.新材料印 ﹣ 蠟燭
Documentary Photography Project
- Ted the street sweeper - Ted is a 48 years old street sweeper. He is a bit retarded because he had a big fever when he was 10. He has a stable job but he is homeless. His wife dumped him and doesn’t allow him to go home. Therefore, he sleeps in a 24- hour Mc Donald. Although he has a tough life, Ted is optimistic. I found that he is interesting because his views towards the world are different from us. He thinks living in McDonald is the best choice for him because he has been living in a much worse place like car park, under bridge, etc Seal engraving - Creative Project
- The new Jungle Game - Idea/Concept The new jungle game was inspired by two traditional children games which are the jungle chess and the Ghost leg. Jungle Chess is the microcosm of the nature where the most powerful predator is at the top of the game. However, we human, has dominated the top level in the reality nowadays and what we have done have threaten the lives of the animals. We ruined their habitats. In this project, I aimed to arouse the awareness of protecting the endangered animals by introducing a new game to the children that is inspired by the two traditional games. This allows children to get the message through a funny way. 想法/概念 「新鬥獸棋」是一款從鬥獸棋和劃鬼腳中取得靈感的新遊戲。鬥獸棋是大自然的縮影,只有最強悍的動物才能勝出、生存。可是近年人類卻成為捕獵者,威脅著動物們的棲息地。在這專案中,我希望能透過遊戲的方式,讓玩家除了享受當中的樂趣外,更能夠學習保護瀕危動物的重要性。 |